Writing (14-12)As is depicted in the cartoon(正如漫画里所描述的), a Master is applying for a job(一个拥有硕士学位的学生在申请一份工作), but he is rejected only for the reason th外语>初高英语

Writing (14-12)

As is depicted in the cartoon(正如漫画里所描述的), a Master is applying for a job(一个拥有硕士学位的学生在申请一份工作), but he is rejected only for the reason that he doesn’t have a degree as high as other applicants who are all Ph.D.S(但他被拒绝了,原因仅仅在于他的学位没有其他求职者高,而其他求职者都是博士生). Simple as the cartoon is(这副漫画虽然简单, it is thought-provoking(但却引人深思).

Apparently(很明显), the cartoon tries to criticize the phenomenon that employers have been attaching too much importance to academic degrees(该漫画试图批判的是雇主过分重视学位的现象). As a matter of fact(实际上), educational background, though cannot be ignored, should not be the primary criterion in selecting employees and what really matter are one’s abilities and potential(教育背景虽不能受到忽视,却不应该成为挑选员工的首要标准,真正重要的是才能和潜力). First of all, academic degrees only represent the applicants’ proficiency in their study , but cannot demonstrate their practical abilities to fulfill tasks(首先,学位仅仅代表的是求职者的学业水平,却无法证明其完成任务的实际能力). Moreover, putting too much emphasis on degrees might hinder the development of companies and may make companies miss real talents(而且,过分强调学位可能会阻碍企业的发展,并可能使企业错失真正有才能的人). Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are the cases in point(比尔.茨和斯蒂芬.乔布斯就是很恰当的例子).who turned out to be extraordinary talents though they were college dropouts(他们虽然都在上大学时辍学,却最终被证明是出类拔萃的天才). Besides, in the long run, one’s personality and moral qualities, such as enthusiasm, honesty and faithfulness, are also of great significance, which are by no means shown in the diploma(除此之外,从长远来看,一个人的个性和道德品质,比如热情,正直和忠诚,也极为重要,而这些在毕业证书上是绝对不可能展现出来的).

        From what has been discussed above, we could conclude that employers and society nowadays should pay more attention to one’s comprehensive quality rather than just his or her academic degree(从以上的讨论我们可以得出这样的结论,如今的雇主和社会应该更加注重一个人的综合素质,而不应只看其学位高低).


China will try to make sure that employees receive 13.3 years of education on average by 2015(中国将努力确保到2015年就业者接受过平均13.3年的教育). If the goal is achieved, most of people who enter the labor marker will have to acquire a college diploma(如果这一目标得以实现,今后大部分进入劳动力市场的都须获得大学文凭).

In the next few years(在未来几年), China will attach great importance to increasing the student enrollments of vocational colleges(中国将着力增加职业学院的招生人数): apart from focusing on higher education ,China will also seek new breakthroughs to ensure a fairer education system (除了关注高等教育之外,还将寻找新的突破以确保教育制度更加公平).China is endeavoring to make the best use of educational resources and therefore rural and underdeveloped areas will receive more supports(中国正在努力最佳地利用教育资源,这样农村和欠发达地区将获得更多的支持).

The Ministry of Education has also determined to improve the nutrition of students in less developed areas and provide equal opportunities for children of migrant workers to receive education in cities(教育部还决定改善欠发达地区学生的营养,并为外来务工人员的子女提供在城市接受教育的同等机会).

Writing (14-6-1)

The saying that “men cannot be judged by their appearance” often reminds me of the proverb that “a book should never be judged by its cover,”(“不可以貌取人”这个说法经常让我想起“不可依据封面判断一本书的好坏”). both indicating that external appearance is unreliable and sometimes can be misleading(这两句话都表明外表并不可靠,有时还会误导人). The saying also tries to convey that in order to truly know a person, we need to go beyond their looks and focus on more profound aspects(这种说法还试图传达这样一个信息,即为了真正了解一个人,我们需要超越外表,关注其更为深刻的方面).

Admittedly, attractive appearance is of significance and can be an advantage(诚然,富有魅力的外表很重要,也可以是一种优势). However, what really matters is one’s quality and ability, which can create values for people and society(然而,真正重要的是一个人的品质和能力). There are numerous examples of outstanding people with remarkable achievements who are just plain-looking(外貌平凡却取得了非凡成就的杰出人物不胜枚举). A good case in point is Stephen Hawking(斯蒂芬霍金就是一个很好的例子). He is crippled but has made great contributions to the world and become one of the greatest contemporary scientists(他虽身患残疾,却为世界做出了伟大的贡献,成为当代最伟大的科学家之一). Moreover(此外), with the advancement of technology(随着技术的发展), one’s appearance can be easily changed through plastic surgeries(人的外貌能够通过整容轻易地改变), but abilities can only be obtained through years of self-cultivation(但能力却只能通过长年累月的自我培养才能获取). Last but not least, it’s one’s quality and ability that last while good looks fade over time (最后但同样重要的一点是,只有品质和能力能够长久存在,美丽的外貌会随着时间的推移而逝去).

To conclude, judging a person by his or her appearance is superficial and undependable(总之,以貌取人是肤浅和不可靠的). A better standard is to judge one by what good he or she does to the world and humans(更好的判断标准是他们为世界和人类带来里什么好处).


Beijing has planned to invest 760 billion yuan to tackle pollution in the coming three years(北京计划未来三年投资7,600 亿元治理污染), starting from reducing the PM2.5 emissions(从减少PM2.5开始). The newly released plan is aimed at reducing four major pollution sources(这一新公布的计划旨在减少四种主要污染源), including the exhaust emissions from more than 5 million motor vehicles, the burning of goals in the surrounding areas, the sandstorms from the North and the local construction dusts(包括500多万辆机动车的尾气排放、周边地区燃煤、来自北方的沙尘暴和本地的建筑灰尘). Another 85 billion yuan will be used to build or upgrade the facilities for treatment of urban garbage and sewage and additional 30 billion yuan will be invested in forestation in the next three years(另有850 亿元用于新建或升级垃圾处理和污水处理设施,加上 300 亿元投资未来三年的植树造林).

The municipal government also plans to set up a group of water recycling factories and curb peccancy buildings in order to improve the environment(市政府还计划建造一批水循环利用工厂,并制止违章建筑,以改善环境). In addition, Beijing will punish more severely the behaviors that violate the regulations of emission limitation(另外,北京还将更严厉地处罚违反限排规定的行为).

Writing (14-6-2)

Living in an age when information explodes and the pace of life becomes increasingly rapid(生活在一个信息大爆炸和生活节奏不断加快的时代), people may gradually lose their rational thinking and judgment and tend to draw a hasty conclusion upon seeing or hearing something(人们可能会丧失其理性思考和判断,往往会在一看到或听到某件事情的时候,就得出草率的结论). However , what is seen or heard can be quite deceptive and misleading(然而,所见所闻可能会颇具欺骗性和误导性).

In fact, numerous examples can be enumerated in our daily life(事实上,在我们的日常生活中这样的例子不胜枚举). for instance, beggars in rags that look miserable can be easily seen nowadays, but it turns out that many of them are professional ones and it is astonishing to learn they go to luxury shops after their “work” of the day , smartly dressed(比如,如今我们很容易看到衣衫褴褛、看似悲惨的乞丐,但其实他们中的很多人是职业乞丐,他们在一天的“工作”后,会去逛奢侈品商店,且衣着光鲜,这令人震惊不已). Another case in point is like this : a mother came to her son with two apples, telling her son to choose one , but the son quickly took a bite of the both(另一个恰当的例子是一位母亲拿着两个苹果走到他儿子的身边,让他选择其中的一个,但他儿子却迅速在两个苹果上都咬了一口。). seeing this, we may regard this son as impious and selfish, but it turned out that he was checking which one was tastier and gave his mother the sweater one(看到这个情景,我们可能会认为他的儿子是个不孝和自私之辈,但事实却是他在尝那个更好吃,然后把更甜的给了他母亲).

From what has been discussed above, we may conclude that it is just unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something(从以上的讨论我们可以得出结论:在一看到或听到某件事情的时候就下结论是不明智的). Only by serious thinking, comprehensive analysis and objective judgments can we come up with more reliable conclusions(只有经过认真的思考、全面的分析和客观的判断,我们才能得出更可靠的结论).


Chinese hot words usually reflect social changes and culture, and some of them are becoming increasingly popular in foreign media.(中国热词通常反映社会变化和文化,有些在外国媒体上愈来愈流行) tuhao and dama , for example, are both old words, but they have gained new meanings(例如,土豪和大妈都是老词,但已获得了新的意义).

Tuhao used to mean landlords in the countryside who oppress their tenants and servants, but now it refers to those who spend money without control or those who like to show off their wealth(土豪以前指欺压佃户和仆人的乡村地主,现在用于指花钱如流水或喜欢炫耀财富的人). That is to say ,a tuhao owns a lot of money but has mo taste(也就是说,土豪有钱,但没有品位). Dama is used to describe middle-aged women, but now it refers specifically to those Chinese ladies who bought gold in bulk when gold price fell not long ago(大妈是对中年妇女的称呼,但现在特指不久前金价下跌时大量购买黄金的中国妇女).

The words tuhao and dama may be include in the new edition of Oxford English Dictionary(土豪和大妈可能会被收入新版牛津英语词典. )So far, about 120 Chinese words have been added to Oxford English Dictionary, becoming a part of the English language(至今已有约120 个中文词被加入了牛津英语词典,成了英语语言的一部分).

Writing (14-6-3)

There is a proverb which goes “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket .” (有一句格言这样说道:“不要把你所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里”)Metaphorically, it means not to risk losing everything by pinning all of your hopes or future goals on only one option ,as you may invest all of your time, energy, attention or money in that single endeavor(这句话使用了暗喻的修辞,意思是说不要将你全部的希望或者未来的目标都寄托在唯一的选择上,否则你就会面临失去一切的风险,因为你可能孤注一掷,为此倾注了所有的时间、精力、注意力或者金钱).

This proverb is most frequently cited in the field of investment(这句话在投资领域被引用的频率最高), as investors usually pursue the minimization of risk and the maximization of profit(因为投资者往往追求风险的最小化和利益最大化). It can also be verified by the development patterns of different cities(这句格言还可以被不同城市实行的发展模式所证实),as the prospects of resource-based cities and comprehensively developing cities are quite different(因为资源型城市的前景和综合发展型城市的前景是截然不同的). The proverb is even truer when people are sitting their future goals, as it is highly risky to run forward recklessly without any sort of safety net or fallback plan(当人们设定未来目标时,这句格言就显得更有道理了,因为如果不顾一切地向前追寻目标,而没有任何安全保障或者退路的话,将是十分危险的).

Generally speaking(一般来说), though we sometimes need passion and concentration to pursue successes(虽然我们在追求成功的时候有时需要激情和专注), we cannot afford to lose all of our “eggs” at one time(但我们无法承受一次损失所有的“鸡蛋”),because we only have a finite amount of them(因为我们只有有限的“鸡蛋”. When making plans , we had better make well-rounded ones(当制定计划时,我们最好考虑周全). Only in this way can we avoid the tragedy of being driven to the last ditch(只有这样,我们才能避免陷入穷途末路的悲剧).


Recently(最近),Chinese Academy of sciences has published a series of annual reports about its latest science discoveries and a blueprint for the coming years(中国科学院出版了关于其最新科学发现与未来一年展望的年度系列报告). The reports consist of three parts(系列报告包括三部分): science development(科学发展报告), high-technology development, and China’s sustainable development strategy(高技术发展报告和中国可持续发展战略报告). The first one includes the latest discoveries by Chinese scientist(第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现), such as the research of new particles and the breakthrough of the H7N9 virus research(诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破). The report also highlights the issues that need to be concerned in the next few years(该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题). The second one announces some hot areas of applied science research(第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域), for instance, three-D printing and artificial organ research(如3D打印和人造器官研究). The last one suggests enhancing top-level designs to remove structural barriers arising from industrial upgrading and promote energy conservation and emissions reduction(第三份报告呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排).


How to Gain Happiness

When it comes to the question “How do you define Happiness?” (论及“你如何定义幸福?”这个问题时), people vary in their opinions and everyone has his own interpretation of happiness(人们的观点各异,每个人对幸福都有自己的理解). Among them is a thought-provoking saying that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them, which reveals the truth about happiness(其中有一种引人深思的的说法是:幸福并不在于一帆风顺,而是拥有处理问题的能力。这揭示了幸福的真谛).

There is no denying that on occasions in our life problems occur and we find ourselves in trouble , but it doesn’t mean we are deprived of happiness(不可否认,我们有时在生活中会遇到一些问题,并且发现自己身陷困境之中,但这并不意味着我们的幸福被剥夺了). The point is that we should screw up our courage to face the problems(关键在于我们应鼓起勇气面对这些问题). Numerous examples were seen around us: the disabled overcoming various obstacles, poverty-stricken people striving for their dreams---they become fulfilled by courageously coping with difficulties(我们身边有很多的例子:残疾人克服各种障碍,贫苦的人为自己的梦想而努力——他们通过勇敢地应对困难,使自己获得成就感). Steve Jobs is an inspiring case in point(斯蒂芬乔布斯恰恰是一个励志的例子). Having been deserted by his biological parents, the man who had dropped out of college still managed to influence the world greatly(这位被自己的亲生父母遗弃、大学中途辍学的男子仍然对世界产生了重大印象).

Therefore , it is crucial that we develop the ability to deal with problems(所以,培养处理问题的能力对我们来说至关重要). We should take heart and build up confidence(我们应该鼓起勇气并且树立信心). Meanwhile ,we need to find practical and effective ways to tackle those problems(同时,我们需要找到解决这些问题的即切实可行有形之有效的方法).

To conclude, it is advisable to have a positive attitude toward problems and happiness is within our reach after settling them(总之,面对问题时保持积极的态度是明智之举,而在解决问题之后幸福也就触手可及了).


Since ancient times, Chinese people have celebrated their harvest during the mid-autumn(中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收).which is quite similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day in North America(这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习俗十分相似). The custom of celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival started gaining its popularity in the Tang Dynasty around China(过中秋节的习俗于唐代早期在中国各地开始流行). The Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated on the 15th day the eighth lunar month, is a festival for Chinese people to worship the moon(中秋节在农历八月十五,是人们拜月的节日). During the night of the day when the bright moon is shining in the sky, there will be family reunions and family members will enjoy the bight moon together(这天夜晚皓月当空,人们合家团聚,共赏明月). In 2006, the Mid-Autumn Festival was listed as a Chinese cultural heritage(2006年,中秋节被列为中国的文化遗产), and in 2008, it was designated as a public holiday(2008年又被定为公共假日).The moon cake is seen as the indispensable fine food for the Mid-Autumn Festival(月饼被视为中秋节不可或缺的美食). people send moon cakes as gifts to their relatives and friends or they eat moon cakes at family gatherings(人们将月饼作为礼物馈赠亲友或在家庭聚会享用). Traditional moon cakes are imprinted with Chinese characters conveying such meanings as “longevity”, “blessing” or “harmony”(传统的月饼上带有“寿”、“福”、或“和”等字样).


In a world flooded with too much information due to the advancement of information technology, we tend to be distracted by the overwhelming resources available(由于信息技术的进步,这个世界信息泛滥,我们容易被可获取的大量资源分散注意力). Just as the saying goes, “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” Simple as it is ,the saying is absolutely thought-provoking(正如一句格言所说,“丰富的信息导致了注意力的缺失。”这句话虽然简短,却引人深思).

Admittedly, the information age has brought us much convenience ad we can have access to an abundance of resources that we need promptly(诚然,信息时代给我们带来了很多便利,我们可以快速地获取所需的大量资源). Nevertheless, it id the information explosion that makes us confused and annoyed(然而,正是信息的爆炸是我们迷惑和烦恼). For instance, when we look for something online , a large quantity of irrelevant and useful information pops out at once, such as commercial advertisements and vulgar entertainment news , which prevents us from concentrating on what we should do , making it inefficient to carry out a task and thus causing a waste of time(比如,当我们在网上寻找相关信息的时候,大量不相关的无效信息瞬间涌出,例如商业广告和低俗的娱乐新闻,这使得我们无法集中注意力来做应该做的事情,是我们做事效率低下,因此也就造成了时间的浪费).

In light of the seriousness of the problem, much attention should be paid to avoid being distracted(鉴于问题的严重性,我们应该多加注意,不要让自己分心). For one thing , we should have a very clear idea of what we want to do(一方面,我们应该十分明确自己真正需要或想要做的事情). We may write it down beforehand to refrain us from being carried away(可以事先做好记录以防止自己分心). For another, we should train ourselves to be more self-disciplined(另一方面,我们应该加以训练,让自己变得更加自律). Above all , it is up to us to distinguish the essence and dross and keep focused(更重要的是,我们自己要辨别精华和糟粕,并时刻保持专注).


The Chinese garden is unique landscape in virtue of evolution of more than three thousand years(中国园林是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观). It includes not only the large gardens built by the royal family for enjoyment , but also the private ones built by scholars, businessman and former government officials for getting rid of the hustle and bustle of the outside world(它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造私家花园). These gardens constitute a kind of miniaturized landscape which aims at displaying the due harmonious relationship between human and nature(这些花园构成了一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的和谐关系的微缩景观). Typical Chinese gardens are surrounded by walls(典型的中国园林四周有围墙). In the gardens there are ponds, rockworks, trees, flowers and plants(园内有池塘、假山、树木、花草以及各种各样由蜿蜒的小路和走廊连接的建筑), people can enjoy a series of elaborately designed landscapes which are present in front of them like a landscape painting scroll(漫步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展现在面前).


What Brings Meaning to Life?

What brings meaning to life? This philosophical question has been speculated by many people throughout history(是什么是生命富有意义?在历史的长河中,这是一个被许多人思考过的哲学问题). A philosopher once said , “the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” This saying has really struck a chord with me(一个哲学家曾经说过:“生命的最佳用途就是用来做一些能够超越生命长度的事情。”这一说法真正引起了我的共鸣).

It is nothing wrong for people to live only for self-realization and enjoyment, but these will soon vanish when life comes to an end. Only the positive impacts that we have made upon others or our society will make us worth remembering. Sima Qian , a famous Chinese historian , left the later generations with a better understanding of the ancient times with his Historical Records. Liu Shenglan, a scavenger of more than 90 years old, Provided financial aid for more than 100 needy students. We regard them as great since manly other ;people benefit a lot from them(人生在世,只追求自我实现和享受并没有什么错,但当生命终止的时候,这一切都会随即消失。只有我们对他人或社会所产生的积极影响是我们值得被铭记。著名的中国史学家司马迁,因著有《史记》而被后人对古代有了更好地了解;刘胜兰,一位90多岁的拾荒老人,资助了100多名贫困学生。我们之所以认为他们很伟大,就是因为有许多其他人因为他们而受益匪浅).

To sum up, we scarcely have any control over the length of our life, but we can determine the width and depth of it(总而言之,我们很难控制生命的长度,但我们可以决定生命的长度和深度). To lead a more meaningful life(为了使生命更有意义), I will do more good to others, and study hard to acquire more knowledge, so as to apply my knowledge in the future to make others’ life easier and better(我会多做对他人有益的事,同时努力学习更多的知识,从而在将来运用我的知识使他人的生活变得更加舒适和美好).


The world-famous Silk Road refers to a serious of routes that connect the East and West. The Silk road extends for over 6000 kilometers and derived its name from the ancient China’s silk trade. The trades that occurred on the Silk Road played an important role in the development process of the civilization of China, South Asia ,Europe and the Middle East. It is by way if the Silk Road that China’s four great inventions, namely papermaking, powder, compass and printing technology, were introduced to all over the world . Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also spread to the whole world. Material and cultural exchanges are two-way, for Europe also satisfied the demands of Chinese market by exporting various commodities and plants to china through the Silk Road.



1.       中国传统元素


Traditional Chinese elements refer to the widely recognized traditional Chinese images, symbols or customs etc. They can reflect the essence of Chinese traditional culture and are unique to China. Traditional Chinese elements are embodied in literature, art, architecture, food, costume and customs, etc. The poetry of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Peking opera facial makeup, richly ornamented buildings, Chinese food and tea, Tang suit and embroidery all embody charismatic Chinese elements. Having been deeply rooted in the profound traditional culture of China, traditional Chinese elements play a significant role that cannot be ignored in the development of both contemporary and future societies of China, and are worth passing down on and on.

2.       重阳节

农历九月初九,为中国的传统的重阳节(the double ninth festival)。重阳节的起源可追溯至春秋战国时期,距今已有2000 年的历史。庆祝重阳节的活动一般包括出游赏景、爬山登高、观赏菊花(chrysanthemum)、身插茱萸(dogwood plant)、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒(White spirit)等。重阳节又称老人节,因为在汉语中“九九”与“久久”同音,有长寿的含义,所以人们常在此日举行祭祖和敬老崇孙(filial piety)的活动。重阳佳节,寓意深远,人们对它有着特殊的感情,因此历代诗词中不乏有贺重阳、咏菊花的佳作。

The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the traditional Double Ninth Festival in China. Its origin dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, about 2,000 years ago. The celebration of that day usually includes such activities as going out sightseeing, climbing mountains, enjoying watching chrysanthemums , wearing dogwood plants, eating double-ninth cakes, drinking white spirit made of chrysanthemum etc. the Double Ninth Festival is also known as the senior citizens’ festival because “double ninth” in Chinese has the same pronunciation as “longevity” , meaning living a long life. Therefore ,activities concerning ancestor worship and practice of filial piety are often held on this day. With such a profound meaning, people have special feelings for the festival. Therefore, there were no lack of excellent poems on celebration of the Double Ninth Festival and admiration of chrysanthemums in past dynasties.

3.       除夕

除夕可谓中国传统节日中最重要的节日。它是指农历年的最后一天晚上,即农历新年的除夕。除夕,从字面上来看,就是“辞旧迎新”之意,象征着旧的一年即将终结和新的一年即将开始。除夕是举家团圆之夜,即使出门在外,身在他乡,千里迢迢,人们也要赶回家和亲人相聚。这一天,挂起灯笼的房子不但要打扫的干干净净,人们还要贴门神(door-god)、春联(spring couplet)和年画,夜里十二点还要放爆竹以示庆祝。除夕之夜,人们往往通宵不眠,叫做守岁(staying-up);大家欢聚酣饮,共享天伦之乐(happiness of a family reunion)。

New Year’s Eve can be called the most important festival among traditional Chinese festivals. It refers to the night of the last day of a lunar year, that is, New Year’s Eve of a lunar new year. New Year’s Eve, in the literal sense in Chinese, means seeing off the old year and ushering in a new year. It symbolizes the end of the old year and the beginning of a new year. New Year’s Eve is a night for the reunion of the whole family. People will rush thousands of miles home for the family reunion even if they are far away home, in alien land. On New Year’s Eve, the house with lanterns hung out is thoroughly cleaned and its doors are decorated with door-gods, spring couplets and New Year paintings. Firecrackers are also set off at twelve o’clock on the night for celebration. On New Year’s Eve, people often stay up all night, which is known as “staying-up” , gather for drinking and share the happiness of a family reunion.

4.       中国画

“中国画”是用笔蘸水、墨、彩在丝绢(Tiffany)或纸上作的画,是中国传统的绘画形式。中国画的工具和材料有毛笔、墨、颜料(pigment)、宣纸(xuan paper)、丝绢等,题材可分为人物、山水、花鸟等。从美术史的角度来说,1840年以前的绘画统称为古画。中国画在内容和艺术创作上,体现了古人对自然、社会及与之相关联的政治、哲学、宗教、道德、文艺等方面的认识。中国画具有鲜明的名族特色和悠久的历史传统,是举世闻名的世界文化遗产之一。

“traditional Chinese paintings” are pictures painted on tiffany or paper with a brush dipped in water, ink and paint, which are traditional forms of paintings in China. Traditional Chinese painting tools and materials include brushes , ink , pigments , xuan paper , tiffany and others. The painting themes can be divided into figures, landscapes, flowers and birds and so on. From the perceptive of art history, paintings completed before the year 1840 are collectively referred to as ancient paintings. Chinese paintings embody in content and artistic creation the understanding by ancient people of nature and society , along with related politics, philosophy, religion, morality, literature, and art etc. Chinese paintings have distinctive national feature and a long historical tradition. They belong to the world-famous cultural heritages in the world.


